Then and Now: Grandpre and Vicinity (77th and 78th Divisions, AEF), Part 2

The tour of the Grandpré battlefield continues…




Military Cemetery Near Grand Pre Now

Caption:  Military Cemetery near Grandpré.  Griffin Group Photo AM372.  Taken 17 January, 1919.

Note:  The “now” photo includes a much larger piece of today’s road than seen in the “then” photo.

Location:  Along the D946 east of Grandpré.  The road that follows the power lines north is the D6.




Actually Ferme des Greves Now but not Precise Angle

Caption:  The Griffin Group Photo is mislabeled.  This is Grèves Ferme, not Belle Joyeuse Ferme.  (Belle Joyeuse Ferme sits on a hilltop much closer to Grandpré.)  Griffin Group Photo AM 626.  Taken 20 February, 1919.

Note:  The two photos are not identical matchups, because the photographer of the “then” photo was literally in the middle of the field.

Location:  Grèves Ferme is just south of the D946, east of Grandpré.




Ferme des Loges but not far enough in field now

Caption:  Ferme des Loges.  Griffin Group Photo AM424.  Taken 16 January, 1919.

Note:  The matchup is not exact, because the photographer of the “then” photo was standing in the middle of the field.

Location:  Ferme des Loges is just north of the D946, east of Grandpré.




Ferme de Talma Now

Caption:  Ferme de Talma.  Griffin Group Photo AM434.  Taken 15 January, 1919.

Note:  The line-up is not perfect, because the photographer of the “then” photo was standing in the idle of the field to the left.  Also, the barn is still visible and it still has the same door.  Unfortunately, the trees cover most of it in the “now” photo.

Location:  Talma Ferme is on a little road just north of the D946, west of Grandpré.




Hill N Talma Fme Now

Caption:  Hill north of Talma Ferme.  Griffin Group Photo AM420.  Taken 18 January, 1919.  Today’s road leads to the country gite “Chez la Grand-Mère.”  (“At Grandmother’s.)

Location:  The entrance drive is directly behind the barn at Talma Ferme.



Close-up of Grandpre




Source of Then Photos:  Griffin Group Photos, Record Group 120G, National Archives, College Park, MD

Source of Now Photos:  Webmaster