In 2017 the Webmaster and a client explored this series of Signal Corps photos showing troops of the 315th Inf. Regt. , 79 Division, A.E.F. celebrating Thanksgiving 1918 in Damvillers. These were taken on 28 November, 1918–101 years ago from the date of this post.
The first three photos show Maj. Gen. Joseph E. Kuhn addressing troops in the town square. Photos taken there are easy to line up because the uniquely-shaped Mairie (Village Hall) still stands. Unfortunately, the Webmaster lost his “now” photos, so the Google street view will have to stand in as a replacement.
The Webmaster was unable to line up photos of the parade route, but the photos are nonetheless very interesting. Readers should look closely at the number of German helmets and uniforms in the photos.