Then and Now: Neuvilly-en-Argonne

28th Div Neuvilly p 529


28th Div Neuvilly Now


Caption:  Caption of the then photo reads:  “Men of the 111th Infantry Coming out of the Line.  In the background are Red Cross and Salvation Army huts, at Neuville, October 19, 1918.”

Additional then and now photos of Salvation Army activity in Neuvilly can be found in the following post:


Location:  Neuvilly-en-Argonne.  (Note the misspelling in the photo caption.)  The church is right on the D946 which runs through town.  On the two sign-posts one can also read the direction to Aubréville, Parois, Verdun and Dombasle.

The building in the left foreground and the telephone pole to the left of the church no longer exist.


Source of Then Photo:  “Pennsylvania in the World War:  An Illustrated History of the Twenty-Eighth Division, Volume II.”  States Publications Society, Pittsburgh and Chicago, 1921.  P. 529.


Source of Now Photo:  The webmaster.